Reiki Treatment

Name : Dr.Kuldeep Kaur Profession : DoctorI was suffering from depression, sugar and joint pain. I started taking Reiki treatment from 7th Jan 09 After 16 healings, I am completely cured from my problem. Now I can look after my hospital.
Name : Sushil Jain Profession : Businessman I was taking treatment of Sugar, depression and Blood pressure from various doctors from last 10 years, after taking 25 healing of Reiki has changed results in my reports positively I am out of depression. started gong to work also.
Name : Rajan Bhopal Profession : Businessman  
Name : Pankaj Munjal Profession : Leading C.A.  
Name : Aryan S/o Ravinder Saini Profession :Serviceman  
Name : Dr. Sarita Gulati Profession :Doctor I was in depression before taking healing, I started my healing on 5th Feb. 09, got miraculous results after taking 12 healing from healer and Sangeeta ji
Name : Dilbagh Singh Profession :Advocate I was the patient of survicall Spondylosis and over all weakness. Reiki healers started my healing on 22nd Jan 09 and got 24 healing, now I am feeling very healthy and got relieved from survical problem .
Name : Girdhar Profession :Businessman I had Pituitary gland problem diagnose as tumor, got healed by Reiki 21 healings session and tumor has vanished. Now I am fully cured and fully healthy and can drive my self.
Name : Dr. Kiranjeet Kumar Profession :Doctor I was suffering from body ache and blood pressure Took reiki healing from 08th January 2009, after 15 healings, I am completely fit.
Name : Ashok Profession :Serviceman I had depression, insomnia, morning sickness. My work was suffering, was under medication, after the 14 Reiki healings from the master and other healer, Now I am fully healthy, can sleep undisturbed, No more morning sickness and no depression.